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Dom Mierzyn
Projekt domu Szczecin Płonia
projekt domu Stargard

House designs, interior designs, architectural competitions


We encourage you to familiarize yourself with a small sample of our portfolio. We implement house designs in Stargard, Szczecin and the surrounding area, as well as multi-family buildings, utility and industrial facilities. We have experience in comprehensive interior design, especially residential. We also create detailed land development concepts. We approach each task taking into account its context and the investor's detailed expectations.


We focus on functional, modern, economical and ecological solutions. We listen to the needs of our clients, thanks to which they trust us. We also offer them comprehensive support not only during the project phase, but also during its implementation.


Below you will find only a few examples of our designs. More can be seen on request. Please contact the office if you are interested in our other projects or have additional questions related to our company.

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